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Writer's pictureSunil Kumar

Desktop Software vs. Web application

Desktop software

What Are Desktop and Web Apps?

Both the platform has provided a huge effect on the process of application throughout the development of software. With the introduction of various cross-platform apps, the gap has been getting progressively narrower. In this article, we’ll understand why solutions are better on desktop software and not on a website for all your E-commerce platforms and their required processes.

But First, Let’s see what is the difference between web and desktop applications.

Desktop Applications

A software application that you can directly install and use on your personal computer is called a desktop application. You can launch it whenever you want independently of other applications. They take up your hard drive space and need an internet connection, although some applications can work regardless of internet connection. Although some apps need it to function as intended (web browsers like Chrome or Firefox, for example) they are still considered desktop apps since they are installed on your PC.

Web Applications

A software application that can be used through the internet via a web browser, instead of installing on your PC is called a Web application. A web app allows you to access the app and its content and also runs all the scripts responsible for its features. What differentiates a simple static web page from a web application is interactivity. They often allow you to create, edit, or manipulate data and content.

web App

Why software for your F-assured solutions, why not a web application?

Desktop App Advantages

➤ IP Addresses

If you are serious about intellectual property security seriously then desktop software is the perfect way to go. The fewer data appears on the different clouds the better. Considering that when you’re on the web, practically everything you do is somehow tracked, desktop services are more secure in that regard.

When we started HappySellers, our first goal was to CREATE A SOFTWARE for customers, as all customers will have different IP so Flipkart cannot trace that.

But when it comes to the cloud, if 1000 sellers are processing together, then Flipkart/Amazon can easily identify those 1000 sellers and might close accounts for using a third party.

➤ Alternative Payment Model

For the vast majority of paid desktop software, once you purchase a plan it’s yours. There are no monthly payments or subscriptions, you can purchase your plans according to your need. Also, you can install the software on multiple PC

➤ Better Performance

When compared to web applications, desktop ones have undoubtedly better performance. The same operations are completed faster and the range of features is often larger. The performance is not always noticeable or needed since so many web services don’t require much power. However, the more complex ones can really lag where desktop alternatives have no issues. This is achieved by leveraging the resources of the computer itself.

We have also updated our software with better and multi-speed processing, to provide you smooth and better performance.

➤ Optimal Use of Computer Resources

By using the processing power of a PC, desktop apps can perform a range of features that is not feasible for a web application. For example, Using multiple HappySellers software at once on the same desktop.

In Conclusion

As you can see, the desktop app vs web app choice is not an easy one. Each approach definitely has its place in the software development sector. However, to fully capitalize on the benefits you need to not only know the specifics of your project, but also the ins and outs of each type of development. So, We understand your needs, and that is why we have created HappySellers Software instead of a Web application like others for better data privacy, better and smooth performance, and of course.

We hope this article has shed some light on this topic. But if you have questions you can always request you can always contact us.

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